Email List

Email List

Vimalakirti was a lay trainee with a
family during the time of Shakyamuni
Buddha. He was known to be highly
enlightened, and he gave many talks
on the Dharma. The Vimalakirti
Scripture contains these talks.

Periodically we send out an email in which Rev. Master Basil gives a brief update on the group and then goes over some aspects of the Dharma.  If you would like to be included on our email list then please send your email address to with your request to join.

Below is an archive of previous emails:

May 2024 – Asking for Help

February 2024 – Unconditional Love of the Unborn

December 2023 – Striving for Perfection

August 2023 – Non-attachment / Simplicity

June 2023 – Willingness to Change

April 2023 – The Three Poisons

December 2022 – Taking Refuge

October 2022 – The Middle Way

July 2022 – Impermanence/The Eyes of Faith

April 2022 – All Acceptance

February 2022 – Judgmentalism

December 2021 – Reunion with the Eternal / The Kyojukaimon

September 2021 – The Practice Helps Us

June 2021 – Stillness in Activity/Strong Emotions

April 2021 – Mindfulness and the Egocentric Self

March 2021 – Stillness in Activity/Soap Opera

January 2021 – The Kaleidoscopic Mind

December 2020 – Dissolving Anger and Hate

October 2020 – Fearing the Future

September 2020 – The Less Obvious Buddhas/ Training Oneself

July 2020 – Superiority/Inferiority

June 2020 – Fault Finding

May 2020 – Fear, Worry & Panic

April 2020 – Training with Restrictions

March 2020 – Love

December 2019 – Righteous Indignation

September 2019 – Training with Adversity

June 2019 – Simple…….Yet Difficult

March 2019 – The Precepts/ I Finally Got It!

December 2018 – The Three Blames

October 2018 – Karma stories/Training 24/7

June 2018: Fault-finding, Negativity, Karmic Inheritance

February 2018: Karma/Faith

November 2017: Holiday Training, Soap Opera and The True Refuge

July 2017: Training When Busy/Purify Your Heart/Why Training is Helpful

April 2017: Greed, Delusion, and the Master-Disciple Relationship

February 2017: Association Articles – R.M. Koshin; R.M. Basil

January 2017: Association Articles – R.M. Mokushin; R.M. Bennet

December 2016: The Precepts, Kyojukaimon and Commentary

September 2016: Bodhisattva Aspirations

June 2016: Mindfulness

March 2016: Faith/ Difficulties

December 2015: The Skandhas/ Training with the Self, part 4

July 2015: Bill Wilson, Alcoholics Anonymous/ Dr Carl Jung

April 2015: Training with the Self, part 3/ Worry and Fear

February 2015: Training with the Self, part 2/ Karma

November 2014: Training with the Self, part 1

September 2014: Aspects of Training – Open Minded, Open Hearted; Regular Meditation; Mindfulness

June 2014: Training is Very Helpful in Difficult Times

April 2014: Training is Difficult And Very Beneficial

February 2014: Training with Fear and Terror

November 2013: Inherited Karma/ Capitol Punishment

September 2013: Suffering/ “Reasonable Anger”/ Negativism

June 2013: Complaining

April 2013: Karma

February 2013: Gratitude and Turning to Something Deeper/ Ian Training in the Hospice

January 2013: The Purpose of Meditation is to Help Us

December 2012: Anger/ Righteous Indignation

November 2012: Refuge in the Unborn

October 2012: Karma, part 3

August 2012: Karma, part 2/ Dreams

July 2012: Karma, part 1

June 2012: The Perfection of Zen

May 2012: Keeping Ourselves Free from the Clutter of Bigotry and Theories

April 2012: Forgive

March 2012: Soap Opera

February 2012: Eyes Open To Negativity

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